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Action Préparatoire Chine (APC)

Master program in business information system

This China Preparatory Year (APC) is intended for Chinese students with a "Benke" in economics or management and a TCF of more than 300.


The objective is to allow students who have obtained good results during their "Benke" to pursue studies in Master MIAGE Ingénierie métiers at the Faculty of Computer Science at UT Capitole. This Master's degree is intended for students with skills in administration, management, economics and econometrics acquired during a bachelor's degree. Its objective is to enable students to gradually acquire complementary skills in information technology while continuing to strengthen their initial skills and general knowledge.

A large volume of specific courses are taught exclusively to Chinese students, in small groups, in order to provide them with the methods of reasoning, written and oral techniques, as well as the vocabulary necessary for studying information technology. The training of 600 hours of teaching focuses mainly on :

⇒ French as a foreign  language : 300h
⇒ IT : 150h
⇒ English / professional project /management : 150h
The program also includes administrative follow-up, visits to Carcassonne, Airbus industrie and sports and cultural activities to discover French culture and the Midi-Pyrénées region.

Master 1 MIAGE IM program. Depending on the results obtained in M1 MIAGE IM, the student may continue in the second year in Master ingénierie des processus métiers or Master 2 Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information et d’aide à la décision. 

Pedagogical organization

The preparatory year begins in September and ends on June 30.


Reviews :
There are plans for continuous checks and two examinations in December and May in French, computer science and mathematics. A transcript will be issued to each student.

Any student who holds a Benke and has obtained an overall average of more than 10 for each semester will be admitted to register in Master 1 MIAGE IM at UT Capitole, for the following academic year.

Application :
The application file includes the certificate of the Chinese diploma (at least bac+4 in economics or administration, possibly in information technology) and its transcript, the level in French (TCF >300), a CV in French and a cover letter. This file must be submitted to one of the 2 partners approved by the UT Capitole Board of Directors: CampusFrance(1) or Formasie(2).

In April, the candidate will have an individual interview with UT Capitole professors in China. This interview will focus on a study project, motivation and the disciplines studied during the "Benke".

1) CampusFrance :
(2) Formasie :

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